Your Winter Horoscope Under the Stars #2 by Dominique Monjanel

Solo : Winter 2016-2017 means great encounters. Venus in Aquarius offers you the opportunity not to settle for what you already have. The way the stars are lining up could mean a love at first sight situation and also something that lasts. It’s time to check who your real friends are.
Duo : two distinct situations are coming your way. The first will mean you have to take care of your family or close friends. Then, Venus in Aquarius will add a bit of spice to your love life. This planet will rekindle your love with a fantastic explosion for the end of the year.
Work : you want everything to move fast, but it is not always recommended to be in a hurry. Calm down and analyze the situation before rushing into things. As the end of year festivities come, you should let go a little. The outlook for 2017 is fine.
Health : health-wise things are looking good but this doesn’t mean you can go over the top and run the risk of burning out, listen to yourself and look after your body.

Solo : the planets are good thanks to a busy social life so you are likely to meet someone special, but be sure not to let your natural distrust get in the way of things. Relax and enjoy to the full. Early 2017 you are free-wheeling and everything is possible.
Duo : you really should try and control your jealousy. Count on trust and complicity rather than suspicion and you will soon realize your worries are just an invenstion. Venus is coming to Capricorn which should calm things down.
Work : time your initiatives to win bigger contracts at the start of the year. Be flexible with your collaborators. This is the best way to get what you want. Things will be busy and you will be needing them.
Health : take it easy, relax, try and keep that aggressive attitude under control at the end of the year.

Solo : the confidence you have recently gained will enable you to meet people and lead to love or a great friendship. 2017 will be a good year for love and a harmonious period with your family or friends. The work you did on yourself will pay off well.
Duo : perfect complicity between you and your loved one thanks to Venus in Aquarius. Once again you will be back on the same wavelength in your daily life and also projects for the future. There may even be a trip in the pipeline for the end of year or to see the New Year in.
Work : the circumstances are ideal for you to move into a complementary field and work relations are smooth and open. Go for it! But watch the expenses.
Health : not at its best with Saturn bothering your morale. However your life will be full of fun at the end of the year to help you through this trying period.

Solo : Venus isn’t lined up for encounters but rather an examination of the situation to help you make the right choice for your love life. You will feel like new in 2017 and the year should prove to be fairly exciting.
Duo : ups and downs in your couple. Venus in Aquarius will create a form of impatience that may disrupt your harmony. Look on the bright side of things, breathe deeply and relax!
Work : all winter you want to give the right impression to your colleagues particularly if you are hoping for that full-time contract. The Sun in Sagittarius will help you avoid the usual pitfalls and you will come out on top, everything will work out just fine and you get what you want.
Health : maybe something along the lines of cosmetic surgery … Be careful what you eat. Do some sport.

Solo : a lot of movement going on between the end of the year and the beginning of 2017 with the likelihood of lasting encounters so get out and about, organize a holiday for singles or log on to a dating website. Be happy!
Duo : you will feel a bit jealous towards your partner who appears a little distant. Don’t worry though, it’s just your imagination and in reality everything is hunky dory.
Work : they are asking a lot from you, as per usual, but this time enough is enough. Don’t lose it though, you are lucky to be surrounded by the right people and the team work will go just fine. Don’t be too bossy though, this will just provoke unneeded conflicts.
Health : things will be pretty busy at the end of the year and start of 2017 so remember to chill out from time to time and above all, get enough sleep.

Solo : Venus in Capricorn means you will have to spend more time looking after your family than yourself so no time for meeting your soul-mate. Fortunately towards the end of the year the planet enters Aquarius transforming you into a serious seducer over the period. Venus lines up with Jupiter for great nights out over the Christmas period and also a promising encounter.
Duo : as for the singles, Venus in Capricorn will oblige you to take care of your loved ones but when the planet moves in Aquarius you can seriously start thinking about some exciting projects with your partner and partying a bit more.
Work : you will need to pool your energy together with the workload that is coming your way and that will last up to the end of the year. And if you are looking for a job you are certain to find one, even if it is only temporary. Mercury will help things from a professional point of view.
Health : Mars stimulates and provides the energy you need for your work and family who will be counting on your support.

Solo : the time is ripe for encounters and at the same time periods of doubt that will make you want to call up an ex to not feel too alone. Patience… the start of the year is looking warm and loving. But don’t forget to get out and show yourself!
Duo : right through to the end of the year your life will trundle along quite nicely. In 2017 you want a little more fantasy and excitement and your partner should be made to realize this. Enjoy to the full your outings, trips and all sorts of invitations.
Work : changes are in the air. If you are thinking of a new job, it could happen by the end of the year or maybe changes at work with a new boss or new team. Whatever your concerns, the future will be brighter.
Health : excellent and super fit with Mars in Capricorn leaving you brimming with energy for a virus-free winter!

Solo : not many fun encounters at the beginning of the winter months, but don’t despair, once 2016 has passed, love will come galloping back with a number of exciting meet-ups at the start of the year, but also some less so and others not at all! Whatever the case, you delight in the action as you hate boredom.
Duo : you will be fairly possessive with your partner and want a lot of attention and love but he will appear absent and this will only annoy you even more. You need to understand you have to give him a little breathing space and your relationship will sort itself out and get better and better.
Work : having been serious at work you will now begin to reap the rewards for all your efforts. You will win new contracts that will encourage you to do even more. You may well take a few days vacation at the end of the year, far from home.
Health : Mars has a positive position in your sign giving you a good daily dose of energy but if you play sport be sure not to overdo it, you may end up injuring yourself.

Solo : friendship will give you more pleasure than love. You will be looking for human warmth and kindness and your friends will be there to offer it and will want to help by presenting someone who may be to your liking! The most important, during this period, is that you feel at one with yourself.
Duo : you and your partner will be spoiled this winter by planets that are both influential and positive. Mutual understanding will be good, complicity too for your projects. A good dose of sensuality will be in the air also. Thanks to Jupiter, you will have the money to carry out your projects so make the most of it!
Work : you will be dynamic and efficient and succeed in your undertakings whether employed or free-lance and the results will reflect your commitment. Show yourself, sell yourself, have confidence in yourself.
Health : don’t push it too much to get through the winter months and take a few vitamins to be sure not to fall ill.

Solo : you enter an extremely questioning emotional phase. Your encounters will be dominated by the notion of sharing and will bear witness to the profundity of life and feelings. Younger Pisces will be attracted to someone from student or learned circles. New friendships will grow much to your delight.
Duo : your greatest desire will be to think up projects for travel, moving house or changing country with your loved one to build a new future. Your friends will lend a hand; Venus representing the friendship in your sign will make it all the more easy.
Work : stress is on the horizon and you will have to pull out all the stops to succeed and sign major contracts in 2017. You will be overjoyed that your boss or partner has a high opinion of you and this will give you the confidence and strength to give even more of yourself.
Health : Do not neglect your health! You should do what is takes to maintain both your physical and mental well-being.

Solo : you will be divided between the need to be alone with Venus in Capricorn hindering your momentum, and going out to take your mind off things and to let your hair down. Your friends will prove their loyalty during this off-peak period. The love of your life is not for right now. 2017 will be better with an encounter on the horizon.
Duo : a fairly positive period for your couple even though you feel a little fed up with your partner who tends to spend more time at work than in your arms! But don’t worry, Venus coming to join Aquarius will change things and rekindle the love you have for each other.
Work : everything is going just fine, Saturn is leaving your sign and Jupiter is sending out positive signals. If you have projects, now is the time to get started, and if you already have a stable job there is the possibility of a promotion and more importantly a raise. If you run your own business, the forecasts are excellent thanks to Mars lining up with Jupiter.
Health : Great shape for a bug-free winter!

Solo : your outlook for 2017 is superb. Venus will be with you all the way and never let you down. A new romance should warm your heart in a lasting way. There will also be opportunities to make new friends or go on unforgettable travels.
Duo : great times ahead with your partner, both on a daily basis and for the future. The festive period will be good for the two of you and also your family who will be delighted to see you looking so happy together. You may feel the need for adventure and an extremely beneficial trip may be on the cards.
Work : Mars will boost your reactivity but all those projects you have running may mean you are overworked due to the tight deadlines. Even though it is difficult, the period will be rewarding thanks to Jupiter paving the way for a solid and scalable career path.
Health : Endless energy, maybe even too much. You will need to learn to channel it to avoid tiring your entourage.
Dominique Monjanel
75016 Paris
Tel +33 (0)6 17 97 23 66