OPHÉLIE MEUNIER The positive energy!

Meeting with the sunny and sparkling star journalist of M6 and RTL Ophélie Meunier. Let’s dive into the heart of her media universe where she confides for the greatest pleasure of LiFE Magazine readers about her passions, her challenges and her future projects, thus offering a fascinating insight into the person behind our screens.


Ophélie, as an experienced journalist, you’ve covered various topics over the years. What’s the memory that has left the deepest mark on you on air?

For the past 8 years, I’ve hosted a show (Zone Interdite), which has taken me into worlds I never thought I’d discover and introduced me to people I never thought I’d meet. Choosing one situation or person over another would be impossible for me. From women’s prisons to the scandal of child welfare, to the care of the elderly in France, or families affected by Alzheimer’s disease… I’ve gained knowledge and developed an open- mindedness that is very precious to me today. For several years, I was also a substitute presenter for the 19.45 on M6. I can share a very striking memory about that…
The first news broadcast I presented was emotionally very intense for me because it was a special edition following the terrorist attack on July 14, 2016, on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. The entire newsroom was there to put together the best possible broadcast, not without emotion. In those moments, as a journalist, you feel more useful than ever and you feel a great responsibility as an information conduit. I will always remember this somewhat special news broadcast.

How do you maintain the relationship with your viewers?

That’s a very good question… I think I don’t calculate. I try to be sincere, to be genuine on air. I’m quite present on social media, and I try as much as I can to respond to the messages I receive. People who sometimes stop me on the street are very kind. I listen to them, I talk to them, all feedback from viewers about my work interests me and can be constructive.


You’re also known for your involvement in humanitarian causes. Can you tell us about an experience that has profoundly influenced your worldview and your role as a public figure?

My commitment to the Autour Des Williams association since 2018 as a godmother is fundamental to me. It gives a lot of meaning to my life. I am particularly touched by families living with disabilities. At first, I felt like a very small thing and very useless, and I ended up understanding that even just shining a little light on the work of committed people made them happy and gave them strength and courage. Being committed is opening your eyes to a reality that may not be your own, and there’s nothing more constructive than that in life. I am also committed to the Messika Foundation for 2 years now, and doing philanthropy with such a brilliant and inspiring woman as Valérie Messika is a great opportunity. My commitments deeply nourish me.

As a mother, how do you juggle your demanding career and your personal life?

I don’t have a magic recipe, but I try to find a balance. I am passionate about my work, I am a hard worker, and I am also completely crazy about my children! So I have to please everyone! My rule is to be 100% where IamandwithwhomIam.IfIdecideit’sa professional moment, I try to dedicate myself to it wholeheartedly without any guilt, and when I decide it’s a mom moment, nothing else should bother me…

How do you perceive the role of Zone Interdite in the French media landscape and its impact on society?

Zone Interdite has several roles in society and for viewers… Including shedding light on places that French people do not have access to and raising major societal debates. We are here to provide all the keys so that the French can understand all the subtleties of the society in which they live and evolve. When one of our documentaries is mentioned as an example in the National Assembly, when the law evolves under the impetus of one of our investigations, then we feel that we have succeeded in our work.

How does the «Confidentiel» program on RTL differ from other information and entertainment programs?

Confidentiel is a fantastic program to work on, and I hope it’s also great to listen to! We try to provide a different perspective on a major personality. Behind all great destinies, there are flaws, areas of darkness… That’s what we’re looking for and that’s what we tell. Confidentiel goes beyond the glossy image… With listening pleasure thanks to the director who adds music and a highly crafted sound atmosphere. The interviews that complement the stories allow us to delve even deeper into the stories of all these personalities who have marked history.

What are your future projects, whether in the media, humanitarian, or other fields?

My big project at the moment is this new talk show that we just launched on M6: La Grande Semaine. A weekly show in which we review the major news of the moment, we decipher trends, we test them, we have guests, and all this in a real good mood. We’re setting up the show on Saturdays on M6, and it’s an exciting challenge!

Are you a woman of passion or reason ?

Both obviously! (smiles)

What could you wish for our readers of LiFE Magazine?

I recently listened to a podcast with Clémentine Galey, the creator of the successful podcast Bliss, who said that at 45 she had managed to create «a tailor-made life» for herself, and that made her happy. That resonated with me. I wish all of us, and therefore the readers of LiFE, to one day be able to say the same thing: «I have built a tailor- made life and it makes us, mine and me, happy».