A summer at La Provence On the road to local urban agriculture

Fine sunny days are a coming to brighten up Provence, with an air of freedom sweeping in. Ideal conditions for a sunny getaway full of nature, culture and good food with innovative initiatives proposing succulent, super-fresh and healthy produce thanks to a series of actions deployed by the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis.

Down south, locally-sourced produce perpetuates the Provencal identity and everything Made in Provence. It is also made for sharing and enjoying with friends and family! Here, the focus is placed on developing local urban agriculture and a more sustainable production of foodstu while remaining faithful to the cultural identity. How? By preserving traditional farmland, including ancient country houses (the hills above Sainte-Marthe being the perfect example) and also pastureland, vineyards, olivegroves and +elds of corn that have existed for centuries. As a result, some 40 hectaresof land are being farmed around Marseille. Provençals are increasingly preferring local distribution channels and locally sourced seasonal produce, particularly since the lockdown.

The Halles de Producteurs, a sort oftraditional market with a drive-through service where producers sell directly to consumers is proving highly successful. The latest to open, La Barasse in the 11th district of Marseille, created one year ago along the same lines as the Halles Terres de Provence found in Plan de Campagne, also o%ers new business opportunities for local farmers. A win-win solution with nice prices for the consumers and fair payment for the producers.

Another great initiative led by both the Department and the Bouches-du-Rhône Chamber of Agriculture makes it possible to connect up consumers looking to buy localproduce and local farmers in just a click on 13envies.fr. The site means you can buy fresh, quality, locally-sourced produce directly from the producers, boosting what is today known as “consume local”.

13envies.fr also proposes an interactive map to find producers nearby and a list of agricultural events and local producer markets.