Valentin Lucas is 30, athletic, ambitious and a fashîon-lover. Our influencer is also a big name on the social networks with over 235,000 loyal followers on lnstagram. Each day his fans can admire his dress sense, discover his favourite addresses and also his preferred destinations worldwide. Valentin started out by graduating from a sports management program to become a name regularly courted by prestigious brand names.
He co-founded “Wandertea”, with Caroline Receveur, an intemationally sucœssful detox brand and recently inaugurated his “La crêpe au carré” restaurant at the Village Outlet in Villefontaine, not far from Lyon. He is currently working on a second restaurant that will open in Tours. His concept revolves around 5 founding values: welcome, quality, rapidity, generosity and pleasure, all in a cosy intimate ambiance where guests can enjoy a selection of delicious pancakes.
Valentin Lucas has also taken up the pen to write “Secrets of an Influencer” in which he explains how the social networks fonction, how they have become a powerful marketing tool, and how they have influenced how we live over the past 10 years. He also explains how he uses the networks in his work on a day to day basis.