JEFFREY CAGNES Délicatesse & gourmandises !

Born on January 26, 1986, in Paris, Jeffrey Cagnes grew up in Troyes in the Aube, the stronghold of Maison Pascal Caffet. It was during a school internship with

the Meilleur Ouvrier de France pastry chef that young Jeffrey discovered his passion for pastry. After obtaining a CAP and completing an apprenticeship in Avignon, he continued his studies in Paris, becoming an apprentice at Pâtisserie Stohrer, the oldest pastry shop in Paris, and later became an assistant to Chef Jean-Philippe Garrigues.

Expanding his expertise alongside Sébastien Gaudard, he returned to Stohrer in 2007, holding various positions before becoming the Head Pastry Chef in 2009.
In 2011, he was noticed and joined Jean-François Piège at the Thoumieux brasserie and gastronomic restaurant. After stints at Monsieur Bleu and Flandrin, he returned to Stohrer in 2015.

In 2017, he became the Executive Pastry Chef for the chocolate shop «À la Mère de famille».
In 2021, he embarked on a new personal venture after returning to Stohrer. Jeffrey Cagnes made a mark on television as a guest chef on the show «Le Meilleur Pâtissier» on channel M6. He regularly participates in masterclasses and professional events.

In 2021, his collaboration with Philippe Conticini gave birth to the joint brand «Du Geste à l’Émotion,» materialized by the unique creation, the praliné Babka.
The pastry chef, by reinventing pastry classics, has also captivated audiences with original creations such as his delicate lemon tart, revamped Paris-Brest, and Saint-Honoré. His creativity shines through iconic creations like his elegant Pavlova, the canelé surprise in trompe-l’œil, and fruit tarts (seasonal, of course!).

Jeffrey Cagnes has joined his peers and now plays in the league of renowned chefs, much to the delight of our taste buds!


Jeffrey, how has your journey shaped your unique approach to pastry, blending tradition with unrestrained creativity?

My unconventional path, spanning restaurants, tea rooms, Fran- co-Japanese patisserie, classic and traditional pastry, Michelin-starred kitchens, hotels, and gastronomy, allows me to construct my range with this wide palette. Today, I enjoy revisiting classics because French pastry is a treasure trove of culinary history. Once the basics of these desserts are mastered, it’s easy to play with these classics.

You’ve made a mark on the international pastry scene with original creations. What’s your main source of inspiration when conceiving new treats?

My inspiration starts with crafting a dessert that’s indulgent, over- flowing with generosity and emotions. It’s important to please the customer before pleasing oneself. Nowadays, I draw creativity from my culture, embracing diversity, using ingredients like honey, sesame, olive oil or orange blossom. During my professional or family travels, I absorb traditions from each destination, returning with fresh ideas.


Let’s talk about your experience at Stohrer, the oldest pastry shop in Paris. How did this period influence your style and creations?

I vividly remember my first day at Stohrer, my beginnings in Paris, in this nearly 300-year-old establishment steeped in history! All the pastry classics were cataloged in this legendary place, allowing me to try to master them with finesse. These gestures; piping, dressing, shaping are essential to me in crafting a dessert, as handcrafted work will always be the most genuine way to convey emotion through a dessert.

Your collaboration with Philippe Conticini gave birth to «From Gesture to Emotion». Can you tell us about this shared adventure and the exceptional creation, the Babka praliné?

Philippe has always been a role model for me; this generation of pastry chefs inspired us. Collaborating with him is an honor and, in a way, a source of pride. The first collaboration, which resonated the most, was the Babka praliné, and from there came the term «From Gesture to Emotion», because shaping a Babka requires a gesture, and making a praline worthy of its name evokes an emotion.

As a guest Chef on the show «Le Meilleur Pâtissier» how do you experience these moments, and what do you hope to convey to viewers?

It’s always a pleasure for me to be invited to such shows because I’ve encountered contestants who amazed me despite being amateurs. At those moments, I realize our profession has many years ahead because there are no limits to creativity. I always want to share my experience, my vision, my taste… Whether it’s for contestants or viewers, in a way, I leave the door open to introduce them to my world and convey my passion for this magnificent profession.

Beyond revisited classics, what are your iconic creations that best reveal your style and passion for pastry?

I don’t necessarily have iconic creations, but one thing is certain: I continue to write part of the pastry history while respecting its classics. And perhaps one day, one of my creations will be counted among them.

What are your future projects?

One of my future projects is to soon open my chocolate laboratory and have fun creating pastry chocolates. And for me, the most essential thing is to continue transmitting my passion, whether through my desserts or my masterclasses.

What would you like to wish LiFE magazine readers?

I wish them plenty of indulgence, emotions, passions, the three keywords for a good life!