A singing career spanning 20 years, prestigious awards, numerous television appearances and one of music’s greatest voices on the French and international music scene. Hélène Ségara looks back at ber career and reveals details of her new album “Karma” to LiFE Style Magazine readers. Interview with a singer with a heart of gold.
After a career spanning more than 20 years, you seem to be starting something new with your latest album “Karma” that wil soon be released. Can you tell us something about it?
My new album is pretty intense, and something of a milestone. lt’s a project that has been growing in my mind for almost two years now … lt deals with diffèrent subjects, issues and a state of consciousness. Karma has come a long way, particularly at a time of collective awareness .. I don’t think I have ever given so much of myself to a project. I decided the time was right to create a deep and meaningful bond ..
You were lined up as the special guest on Andrea Bocellïs concert planned for March 19 in Paris however, it was cancelled due to lhe Covid-19 global epidemic. How did you read to the cancellation and what are your insights about the pandemic?
I am someone who is fairly level-headed, I am able to put certain things into perspective, even during such uncertain times. Music represents support and escape, but that is too easy to say during a crisis that is having such awful consequences on the lives of so many people. The medical profession is totally overwhelmed, small business are suffering terribly … and numerous other things have changed in people’s lives. But it will happen, the concert will take place, when all of this is behind us and we can again celebrate being together to make music.
The popular singer Angèle loves what you do. Are you considering workilg together?
I get asked the same question at each interview I do! We’ll probably get together when the planets rue aligned …
You say you are spiritual. Does spirituality help you in life?
Faith ts not a support, it is a choice made late in life. Spirituality can give a new meaning to our lives, a new outlook, then what is essential becomes obvious.
As a WW brand ambassador. the new Weight Watchers programme, you are leading a combat against overweight and yoo published yoor tips in a book. Why is it important for you to give your time to this issue?
lt’s nota combat. Even if the different treatments I have followed have helped me putting on weight, they did help me get to know myself better and know and understand my body. This programme helped me regain confidence in myself, it’s part of my life and one of life’s small victories. This is what I wanted to share with other people who had lost confidence in themselves. This isn’t about advertising, if it was I would have signad up with a lot of other brands.
You are a big user of social networks. ls this your way of remaining close to your fans?
Of course, my fans are just great and really loyal to me. It’s been going on for nearly 25 years and I am still around thanks to them. They understand my authenticity and sincerity, and thanks to them I understood that my sensitivity was not a flaw but a way to share things. I use Instagram to convey a smile, a little something so they know I am not far away.
Where would you tike to go this summer to recharge your batteries?
My ideal destination has always been a sunny beach. I am constantly looking for secretive calm places where I can isolate myself and clear
my mind and where no-one can spy on me.
What projects do you have for this coming Autumn?
A number of television appearances, concerts, I also have to find the time to put the finishing touches to my book … And of course promote “Karma” that means so much to me.
What would you like to wish LiFE readers?
Life is short, surprising and at times disconcerting. So love others and love yourself. This is what life is all about.